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    NEWS — art show

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    Battles of the Heart

    Battles of the Heart

    Event: May 22, 2011 – “Heart Wars” @ Studio 21 Tattoo Gallery, Las Vegas, NV 6-10 PM- Star Wars themed art show, raffle, food trucks and Sailor Jerry Rum drinks. Throughout the night teams battled to see who could raise the most money for the American Heart Association. 100 % of money raised from art sales, raffle tickets went to the charity raising a total of $3460. Although Studio 21 Tattoo raised the most money, we turned the trophy over to the next highest fundraiser team, FUKU Burger. Many local, as well as out of state artist contributed really creative artwork of all mediums to the event. Costumed Star Wars figures were available for photos and the food trucks provided a variety of great food. The event was a big success. Their artist’s time and effort was greatly appreciated toward the cause. The evening was dedicated to a dear family friend, Holly Bayliff, who died unexpectedly at 31 yrs. of age from heart complications. This is a glimpse of some of the artwork, please visit our Studio 21 Tattoo Fan Page Photo Albums to view more of the art. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/

    Test Your Cannon Firing Skills

    Don’t miss the closing reception for the “Salty Holograms”, an interactive art installation by Ryan Tino and Travis Jackson at Twelve21 Gallery this coming Tuesday, May 31st from 6-10pm. Twelve21 Art Gallery is located at 1221 S. Main Street (Las Vegas, NV) across from Casa Don Juan’s mexican restaurant. The evening will consist of live silk screen demos, additional murals, installations pieces, paintings and collages, finalized zines and new tee shirt designs. Don’t miss the chance to fire the cannons  for a chance to win one free shirt that they will get to silk screen and keep for themselves. http://www.twelve21gallery.com/

    Heart Wars

    Heart Wars

    On Sunday, May 22, 2011 our studio will be hosting a charity event for The American Heart Association. This Star Wars Theme Show “Heart Wars” will focus on who can raise the most money for the charity, all participants battling to win the trophy for the most funds raised. Jason Belland, Executive Director for the American Heart Association will be helping us with the event along with many other valuable volunteers. An Epic Star Wars Themed Art Show will accompany the event within our studio. Slidin Thru’, Sloppi Joes, Fuku Burger, Munchees and Island Breeze Food Trucks will be participating in our event, needless to say, there will be no shortage of tasty food on hand! Come hungry. Our good friends Sailor Jerry Rum will provide delicious drinks for those who wish to partake. Studio 21 Tattoo will be putting together the items for the raffle. We welcome anyone who would like to donate to our raffle, anything helps. Families are welcome, must be 21 to drink, security on hand, ID’s a must.You may contribute to the American Heart Association by donating cash, buying artwork, buying food and buying tickets to the raffle for chance to win prizes. Prizes will be posted as the event evolves. Should be a great night of fun for everyone, so come out and support your favorite gourmet food truck or Studio 21 Tattoo so we can raise the roof with donations.